Taken together we are being invited into awareness around our shadow but perhaps in a playful way. How often do we hear about planets going retrograde and we groan... because that’s the reaction we’ve been taught? How often do we hear of something challenging befalling someone and we respond with sadness and pity?
What if we remembered that life is not happening *to* us, but rather *for* us?
Yes- we will face challenges. Yes- we may struggle and sometimes ‘fail’. Yes- there will be things that seem unfair and shameful and all sorts of other hard things. And yet....
There is a beauty and a play even in the shadow. Much of what we relegate to our shadow space is simply the things that felt ‘too much’, ‘too wild’, ‘too outside’ of what society deemed proper or normal. That’s also then the realm of creativity, innovation, and imagination.
So where in your life are you crossing a threshold or in a liminal space of navigating something new? What parts of you that you would normally hide from might be able to bring something creative to the table? What parts of you that were once too much might now be just what you need to imagine and innovate your way into the newness you’re encountering?
Remember it takes discernment and nuance to be able to dance with the shadow masterfully and gracefully... to be able to roll the dice and balance fate with free will... to be honest and expressive in who you are while staying connected and respectful with others. You may stumble some when first beginning. You may need support and mentors. At first, the shadow may be scary. There is no need to walk this alone. But to unfold to the magic in your own being... to be fully and completely human and embrace your own creative, soulful potential... walk it you must. Until you can dance it.