November 16, 2020


Look at the cards, let your eyes and other senses take them in. Notice what ripples through your body. Any thoughts or emotions or memories? Any sensations? Ask yourself how these cards leave you feeling and what they stir up. That is their message to you.

The message that seems to want to come through me is one of hope and balance.

Of deep nurturing.

Of the kind of vulnerability and surrender that allows you to be held and healed and whole.

Of what’s possible when you can flow with life. And of what it takes to do that- a balance of shadow and light, of logic and emotion, or tenderness and vigilance.

Of recognizing that you are enough.

That life does not happen to you, but rather for you.

That you are both the protector and the one being protected.

That what you seek is within you AND you are not alone.

If all of this sounds paradoxical, that’s because it is. And the more we build our capacity to hold that, the more grace and ease we find as we navigate the waters and winds of life.

Tarot: Page of Swords

Flower spirit: Calendula

Sacred Mother and Goddess: Yemaya

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore;

Sacred Mothers and Goddesses deck by Claudia Olivos;

Flower Therapy deck by Doreen