April 27, 2021

This full moon has had me f*cked up... in a good way. Yesterday, I went to pull our #mondaymessage and instantly felt fuzzy in the head, disoriented, no clarity.

Part of being on a wild, sacred journey is honoring rhythms and timing that isn’t always in our control.

It’s showing up consistently congruent- letting our insides and outsides match, rather than forcing something because someone, somewhere determined it should be so.

Things are still jangling in my system. There’s a big overhaul happening. At moments I feel afraid of this unknown, but I check in and feel that I am safe, so I practice surrendering and trusting.

The Star is from Next World #tarot by Cristy C. Road

The Star is from Next World tarot by Cristy C. Road

So here it is- your Tuesday message:

Funny that I should be feeling raw, tender, and full of creative life since that’s what came through the cards for us today, too. Major Arcana, archetypal.

There’s power through transformation. Grounding and flowing. Balance, from the heart, is the key.

There are many symbols of rebirth and how appropriate in this season of Spring, in the reemergence of many after quarantine. During a full moon that brings in the energy of being shaken *and* stirred.

But the butterfly doesn’t rush its metamorphosis. A flower blooms in its own time. Whatever is opening, expanding, bringing forth newness in the world in your life cannot be rushed, or you risk it dying.

What are the lessons you learned in the darkness? What seeds were planted in your fallow time? Where have your eyes been opened to a new vision for the world?

How do we bring innovation to the new world that we’re collectively birthing? How do we support and sustain mutuality, care, and love because of fear rather than in spite of it?

We can’t go back.

How will you show up in the present, for the future?