There is a theme here in being willing to explore the unknown. This takes courage and compassion. It also takes discernment. Liminal spaces can hold the possibility of new dreams, or they can hold illusions that sidetrack us and keep us lost in fear and manipulation. There is an inherent perfection in all of life. There is an inherent perfection even in us humans, as badly as we sometimes f*ck up. What we are being asked for now is to step out of fear- to stop hunting the wrong enemies and to be very discerning in where we place our belief. Just because our small self agrees with something does not make it *Truth*. There is a magic available to us right now to believe in and craft a better world from these spaces of the unformed and the possible. Do not fall prey to misinformation and those who would tell you that the marginalized are your enemies. Instead, trust nature, trust compassion, trust the perfection of your own shadow-light.