February 1, 2021


Today’s message feels hopeful and soft. A sense of swaddling, of union- we are all interconnected.

As always, look at the cards and notice what the evoke in you. There may be a message that comes to you that is different than what I share. Yours is equally valid.

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There is an opportunity for expansion present- a gentle and joyful expansion.

Past models of expansion through violence and conquering can end, if we can heal that in is which fears ourselves, fears connection, fears Love.

When we expand from and through Love, we take up more space without asking another to take up less.

Our humanness has been in error on this for so many years. But since we are not just human, we are also spirit, we have the ability to shift perceptions. To see differently. To act differently.

Quan Yin offers forgiveness. Not the kind that says, “your were right and I was wrong,” or even “I was right and you were wrong,” but the kind that simply says, with depth and feeling:

“Ouch. That hurt.”

We are interconnected. And what has hurt one has hurt another. So when we acknowledge the depth of hurt, healing happens for all involved. No blame. Just responsibility.

And from there: forgiveness, connection, and, eventually, joy and Love.

Quan Yin and Sacred Mothers and Goddesses oracle deck from Claudia Olivos;

Two of Bowls and Medicine Woman tarot by Carol Bridges;

Herkimer Diamond and The Crystal Oversouls oracle by Michael Eastwood