Attitude of Gratitude: day 22


Today was a long day of teaching and packing and driving. In many ways, it was a very surreal day filled with things that felt contradictory and not very settled. But I am grateful for:

  1. the students who came to class with love and commitment.
  2. Safe travels for us and others on the road.
  3. Plenty of snuggle time and a large, fuzzy head on my lap to keep me warm.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 21

Today is one of those days where the timing of things is never quite where you want it to be, and yet somehow, everything manages to get done. I'm getting ready to go out of town and there's always a list to cross off before vacation can happen. So even amidst all the to-dos, I made time to get on my mat for 30 minutes and slow my breathing - it helped! So did gratitude:

  1. My practices that shift my mentality from freak-out to peaceful, even when there's lots to get done.
  2. A quiet home practice with my beloved spirit animal to keep me company.
  3. The feeling of accomplishment and being able to finally cross things off my list that have been on there wayyy too long!

Attitude of Gratitude: day 19 and 20

A balmy, Saturday morning that turned suddenly cold and windy. A cold and windy Sunday with dramatic clouds and brightly lit trees.

I am grateful for:

  1. The beauty of nature that always brings me into a sacred pause and helps me hit the reset button.
  2. The honor of witnessing someone in complete vulnerability and the deep connection that can result. And how much more beautiful we all become when it happens.
  3. That so many people are beginning to respond to times of stress by carving out time for themselves.
  4. The freedom of tears and allowing myself to fully feel my experience. And the deep compassion and love that always already exist, just below the tears.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 18

Today turned into a busier day than I anticipated. It's funny how time can do that... feel like you have all the time in the world and then, all of a sudden, disappear and leave you wondering how on earth you'll accomplish everything you need to. And yet, there is still room for gratitude.

  1. This morning, I passed an accident and while there was a very small, mean part of my mind - the part that believes we are all separate - that was moaning about the extra time that added into my drive, this practice of gratitude shifted it pretty much immediately to being grateful for all the times I get in my car and get where I am going safely and without incident.
  2. The warmth of the sun and the lightness of the breeze on my face. I was outside this morning, hands dirty, harvesting food and I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.
  3. Butternut Curry Coconut soup... because, yum.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 17

Thursdays are my busy days. And usually by the end of them, I'm totally zapped. But there's still always something to be grateful for.

  1. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service in this world. Watching people come home to themselves on their yoga mats and watching the full range of emotions that that brings never ceases to humble me. Deeply. To realize that there is always somewhere to deepen and grow into, and to pass that on to others takes my breath away.
  2. I am grateful to have a car and the freedom that allows me.
  3. I am grateful for the people out there who have different talents, skills, interests from me. They bring different parts of me out into the world and present me with new ways to show love and support in my life.