Attitude of Gratitude: day 16

Today I am grateful for:

  1. That there's always something new to be found on my yoga mat. Today it was trying to see how much of my practice I could do with my eyes closed, noticing how my body feels as it moves, and noticing how it affects my balance.
  2. Delicious soup, cooked from scratch, and sooooo nourishing.
  3. The journey of teaching and how it has enlarged me on so many levels and in so many ways.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 15

Today has had moments of deep presence, and moments of agitation. Some of today flowed, and some of it felt like work. And always, there's a little voice in the back of my head telling me I could have done more... But I sit here with mantra music playing and candles lit (we had lost electricity for a little while) and I am grateful for:

  1. Electricity - it is so easy to take it for granted, and while it is not impossible to do without, it certainly requires a lot more effort.
  2. A life that asks that to do what I believe in, I must step outside of my comfort zone and surrender up everything I thought I knew - whether energy medicine or political activism, I am here and I am not allowing myself to hide anymore.
  3. The silence and space to be alone with myself. And the fact that I like it. Even when I'm afraid. Even in moments when it feels lonely or bittersweet.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 7-14

As can sometimes happen, a week flies by. It starts with one full, emotionally draining day which flows into another. Learning when to be quiet and to practice a deeper self-care is one of the best things we can learn from the challenging times in our lives. So here are some things I am grateful for from the past week:

  1. Uncertainty and the presence it demands of us... and the freedom that can ultimately result.
  2. Support and not from those who have an agenda or who expect your reaction and process to look like theirs, but from those who are willing to just listen and allow and love.
  3. Humor and perspective because it's easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom. It's easy to fall into victim mentality. It's easy to forget what is still beautiful and peaceful and true.
  4. My inner warrior and fierceness because most of the time I choose to be kind and loving, but when needed, she is there - setting boundaries and offering protection and taking a strong stance for what is true and right: love.
  5. My daily meditation practice that has finally become a true habit. And not because 'it is good for me', but because it feels so good to do it. I am falling in love with silence and space and.. it is good for me! And reminds me again and again of who I truly am.
  6. Watching the seasons change and the moon move through its phases in the sky and noting the passage of time and space in a way that a calendar can never truly measure.
  7. The flight of birds and how each has a different way of flying.
  8. Read-aloud time with friends and the collective strength of imagination. Also, Harry Potter because, well... duh.
  9. The wild sacred journey that is deepening with my own journey of transformation, healing, and learning through energy medicine.
  10. Being sick - it sucks, but it also gives you a great excuse to lay in bed all day and let's face it... sometimes we need those days.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 6

"You could have been anything... and you are you."

"You could have been anything... and you are you."

It's so easy to want to fit in. It's easy to fall into the fear of rocking the boat, making waves, standing out, incurring disapproval. But we are not here to hide or be ordinary. We are not here to be just like anybody else. Today I am grateful for:

  1. People who see me as I am and love me for it. Who don't tell me who I am, but ask me into being.
  2. Breakfast bagel sandwiches, especially when enjoyed with a friend. I've been eating plenty of delicious comfort food recently, but it's all been geared towards cleansing since that's what my body was craving. Until today. Today my brunch had gluten, dairy, and meat... and it was amazing! Everything in moderation.
  3. The unconditional love and happiness that animals bring with them wherever they go.

Attitude of Gratitude: day 5

Today was a day with a lot of yoga in it. First, a personal practice. Then, teaching an hour long group class, followed by a two hour workshop. At the end of it, my body was definitely tired. But I am grateful:

  1. For a body that is strong and flexible enough to be able do what I ask of it. And for the strength, openness, and balance it continually surprises me by growing into.
  2. Community - students and teachers who come together in love, trust, and silliness. Seeking growth and peace and to better their own little corner of the world.
  3. A quiet kitchen to come home to with food projects that leave my hands smelling like herbs, spices, and all kinds of wonderful wild.