If you practice yoga or meditation a lot, you’ve probably heard something about ‘right mind’ or using your mind as a tool rather than letting it be the master. This is an ongoing practice for me- especially when it comes to creation, the act of making something intangible tangible. This morning in my creativity period after my meditation I am working on developing workshops and other programs for me to offer for 2018. But instead of deciding what to do, I’m listening. I listen into how it has been recently to take other teachers’ classes and what might be needed to keep our yoga community growing together. I listen into common themes I have noticed among my Energy Medicine clients and how those might be introduced to a group of people. I listen into the sum of my experiences and where my passions are and what I have to offer and what might be longing to express itself through me. And I listen to all this from the heart. Once I have the outline, I let my brain come in quietly to figure out logistics, but I keep checking back in with the heart. I’ve found it’s easier for me to do this when I’m writing or when I’m creating jewelry or wall totems, but nothing is separate... not even my business. So I’m practicing it here, too. It’s has not always been my first instinct, but it feels really good.