The other day I drew a few cards related to something that was feeling overwhelming in both its clarity and its uncertainty. One of the cards told me that where I am in this moment in relation to the issue is inviting me to reach for the stars. Then I went for a walk and saw a tree inviting me to do the same.
And over the past few days I’ve now felt more uncertain, more panicked, more doubtful and critical... and when I pause from swirling around in those thoughts and take a few deep breaths I remember how plants grow- they put down roots, then grow taller, then need deeper roots, then expand more with the nutrients the new roots grab. Humans grow similarly- we set our intentions or say yes to invitations, then then we start to expand... only unlike plants we limit ourselves with beliefs that at one point kept us safe. So as I begin to expand, I smush up against everything within me that’s holding me back. Ah, growth- you don’t always feel good. But I have a courageous lion-heart, I have developed a practice of compassion and deep breaths, and I am willing.