Attitude of Gratitude – a whole month of Thanksgiving; Day 5

This was one of those morning when I just didn’t want to get out of bed. My mind was full of excuses and imaginings (is that a sore throat? maybe… i should probably stay right where i am), as if just admitting to myself how I felt wasn’t enough – I needed justification for not getting out of bed. I needed justification for not wanting to adult today. Mornings like this, I’m grateful:

  1. To have a routine (i’ll get up and get the water boiling for my lemon water/cider vinegar and THEN decide how i feel).

Amazingly, while the water was boiling, I knocked a couple simple things off my to-do list and with that weight off, I felt much better. Looky – 8:30am and the day is already successful!

I am participating in a year-long course in integrative energy medicine and as I spoke to a couple of my brothers/sisters on this journey, I felt grateful for:

2. The ability to truly HEAR. To hear the quality of someone’s tone, to feel connected to what they’re sharing, beyond the words. To have a gateway into their true selves and to feel my true self saying ‘Yes’ to it all. Together we elevate and heal the world.

After the call, I was feeling raw, overwhelmed, etc. I got stuck sitting, stagnant…. resistant? And so I’m grateful for:

3. Impromptu, solitary dance parties – in my room, in my kitchen while doing dishes, in the car, while walking down the street to a passing car’s music. They shift me to joy and freedom. Every time.

What makes you dance with gratitude?