Animist and ancestral wisdom to harness your burnout and purpose anxiety as jumping off points to journey into your shadow and the shadow of modern society to recover your spark of aliveness and support your soul’s expression in the world.

The Journey: bespoke mentoring and guidance, 6 sessions at a time

Especially good for burned out compassion warriors, culture workers, and rebels who care deeply about humanity;

who are tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what they’re trying to avoid;

and who feel trapped between burning it all down or dying but who want to be wildly, and sacredly alive.



You care so deeply and are trying so hard to build a better world and yet you can’t seem to break free from cycles of overwhelm, disconnect, and relational drama.

You’re no stranger to working on yourself and trying to heal generational patterns either. You’re doing all the things, trying to live a good life and build culture and community.

But in spite of it all, once again, you find yourself burned out and wishing you could burn this life you’ve worked so hard to craft all the way to the ground. If you don’t you fear you might die.

There’s some missing piece that just hasn’t clicked yet and it’s keeping you from really living the life of your dreams, from being your most effective and powerful self, from contributing what’s yours to offer the world in your most masterful way.

Maybe it’s that you’ve been focused on the externals and need some more inner coherence and alignment? Maybe you’ve been focused on the personal work but haven’t found quite the right approach yet? Maybe there’s some past life or ancestral wounds which are influencing you here and now that need tending? Maybe you just need to slow down, get some mirroring, and integrate all the work you have done…?

Whatever the reason, you’re starting to feel desperate and so hungry for answers. And you’ve been around enough to know that desperation doesn’t usually lead to your best self being present and in charge. In fact, when you’ve made choices from there in the past, you’ve ended up burned by exploitative and extractive courses, trainings, practitioners, etc. Which left you even more drained, disconnected, and confused. This time, you’re ready to harness your hunger and use it on behalf of more aliveness. You want to go deep and get right to the heart of it all.

Welcome, friend.



I’m Kate - an old soul and highly sensitive empath. A mystic and seer, after a fashion. A canary-in-the-mine who has often felt like I was built for a different world… and a queen of burning it all to the ground who is learning to be a pilgrim, not a runner.

My journey of remembering my true nature and humanity’s most meaningful purpose began with ancestral wisdom traditions not of my direct lineages and I offer deep gratitude for the human and beyond-human teachers who showed me a way of being which finally made sense to me. There was still a missing piece though, which seemed to click when the lands and almost-lost memories of my ancestors’ wisdom traditions began calling me back.

I now spend my days, as the wise women and mystics of old did, in deep listening to my body, the land, and human and beyond-human teachers; reweaving and nourishing frayed, emaciated threads of animist belonging into something, hopefully, more fleshed out - a clearer path than was left for me for others to follow.

If you’re feeling called to walk that path and help make it clearer for the ones yet to come, wonderful! I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to embody their heart-values; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness.

I’m glad you’re here with me at this time and on this journey of remembering a more nourishing ancestral and animist way of relating to the world.

It’s going to take all of us.



The What

Six 1:1 sessions

over a period of weeks to months, depending on the right balance of support and integration for you

online for your convenience

offering regular scheduling for accountability for you amidst all you do

utilizing an animist, ancestral, and shamanic approach to work at the level of energy and your subtle body.

Sessions may include:

  • trauma and boundary repair,

  • nervous system literacy,

  • shadow work,

  • grief support,

  • past-life and ancestral healing,

  • soul retrieval,

  • movement and breathing exercises,

  • guided meditations and journeying,

  • humming or toning,

  • intuitive development,

  • heart-centering practices,

  • and decolonized soul coaching


Before working with Kate, I often felt attacked by others’ words and actions, believing that I was the cause and issue of their pain and experiences. I had deeply ingrained habits of people pleasing, down-playing my wants and needs, and then lashing out when I’d had enough. It was lonely, frustrating, and hurtful to myself and others. When I first took Kate’s yoga class in 2016, I didn’t like it but due to it being the most viable option for that day and time, I kept going back. I have been forever changed because of this. Kate became a friend, mentor, guide, and colleague. Through the introspection and direction her yoga classes offered, I was able to work into my body and understand how to regulate my nervous system through breath and movement. In my 1:1 energy sessions, I learned how to be vulnerable because she offers such a deep, focused presence and ability to hold space that allows everything to come pouring out. Today, I feel more confidence and power in the choices I make for myself and others. My reactions and ability to work through tough situations has shifted and I am now able to think more objectively and take things less personally on the fly. My ability to show up more fully as myself in the roles of wife, mother, friend, and yoga and wellness guide has increased exponentially. I can’t recommend working with Kate enough. If you’re wanting to just feel better as you move through life, contact her now!
— Ally T - Founder, 'Modern Living Ancient Practices'


Why six sessions (or more)?

This is not ‘quick fix’ work - the journey to wholeness requires dedication.

You are a holistic system. At any moment, you are processing and expressing layered intersections of your own mind-body-spirit experiences, as well as imprintings that are ancestral and cultural.

Through deep, ‘multi-channel’ listening, my work witnesses the parts of you that have felt unseen and unheard for lifetimes. We trace the threads of your joys and hurts to land in what matters most to you. We develop and refine a loving relationship within you, for you. We unlearn old programmings that don’t serve you or the new world you want to build. We walk together on your emergent path long enough to land in clarity.

This is designed as a spacious unfolding, an antidote to what hurts about living in a progress-oriented, hustle-and-grind culture, disconnected from what’s generative and true.

You are non-linear - a circular peg jammed into a square hole. And since life doesn’t stop its push and pull, working together regularly keeps you tuned to your inner compass, your heartwood. It slows your unfolding down to the pace of your body and when inner intimacy happens on your natural timeline, the results are more encompassing, tangible, and accelerated in progress than many other modalities can offer.

Photo by Nathan McBride

Clients who work with me once usually report feeling more:

  • seen and heard;

  • a resetting of their baseline towards more spaciousness, ease, wholeness

Clients who work with me over extended periods of time report:

  • feeling more resilient, alive, connected, in their bodies, expressive… fully human in all the ups and downs of their lives

Note: Clients usually choose to continue with more six-session Journeys, sometimes for up to several years. But six sessions is usually an amount of time where we can see a difference and continually evaluate whether the frequency is appropriate for any changing needs.



Jackie D - yoga teacher and Reiki Master




Which balance of support and integration is right for you?

Please note: I’m dreaming into more effective and clearer ways to offer 1:1 work so this may be shifting in the not too distant future, but for now, I am set up to offer single 1:1 sessions to new clients who who are deciding if they want to commit to a longer journey and want to experience working with me first; or to clients who have worked with me before and are looking for a quick tune-up.

Newer clients: I encourage you to sign up for 6 sessions at a time at either a weekly or biweekly frequency. This allows us to make steadier headway, without losing too much ground between sessions. Unlike many therapy models, this approach doesn’t just manage symptoms - it assumes change is actually possible and you will eventually need less acute mentoring and guidance. At that time, you can go on your way, drop in for occasional single sessions (as my schedule allows - priority goes to Journeys), or switch to monthly sessions for regular check-ins and tune ups.

Monthly frequency is best for clients who have worked with me for a while and are no longer needing as much support, but still want regular check-ins and tune-ups.

**It’s highly recommended that if you haven’t yet, you set aside about 3 hours and go through my Starter Kit. This will help you determine whether we’re a fit and lay some foundational ground work before our sessions.

If you’re struggling to determine which frequency of sessions is right for you, email me and we’ll chat.



for 6 @60min sessions over 6 weeks (1/ week)



for 6 @60min sessions over 3 months ( 2/ month)



for 6 @60min sessions over 6 months (1/ month)


Your support time-frame begins when you purchase the program.
All sessions are remote so I can support you wherever you are.

Why do a program vs scheduling individual sessions?

Enrollment in a program has the added value of regular scheduling for accountability for you amidst all you do and access to some group offerings.

Want extra sessions outside your level of support?

Program members will receive priority scheduling, billed at the regular rate of $120/hr.

Email with questions or to register for your right level of support


I met Kate while doing her 6:00am Bedhead Yoga class in Winchester, VA. This early morning, one-hour class was such a game changer for me, that I gladly woke up at 4:30am, and made the perilous 40- minute drive in the dark to get there. Kate’s instruction was grounding and uplifting at the same time— giving me just the reinforcement I needed to have a productive and fulfilling day no matter what surprises awaited me at work.
Kate’s transformational yoga class inspired me to go a step further and try something other than the conventional talk therapy that has been my default mode of coping over the years. I signed up to do some energy work with her and have stuck with a semi-regular one-hour session for several years, finding the results to be positive and tangible. She’s helped me overcome my exhausting coping mode, and lead me to an inner reservoir of fearlessness and calm that I’m learning to tap into. It’s been a totally valuable experience, incrementally strengthening my core being, and enabling me to function in the world in a healthier and more self-sustaining fashion.
I highly recommend Kate as a teacher and healer—she’s super smart, she listens, and is clearly attuned in her modality.
— Sarah C - Founder/ President, 'Rt. 11 Potato Chips'