The ‘Wild Sacred Journey’ Starter Kit
Especially good for burned out compassion warriors, culture workers, and rebels who care deeply about humanity;
who are tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what they’re trying to avoid;
and who feel trapped between burning it all down or dying but who want to be wildly, and sacredly alive.
You’re probably arriving here exhausted and empty, stretched too thin, feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of life and loved ones. And even though you’re working so hard to craft a meaningful life, you’re teetering on the edged of burning it all down and running away to the woods to live as a wolf or a bear or a tree. It feels like it’s either that or die quietly yourself. But you don’t want to run away. And you don’t want to die either…
Adding more weight to all this is we find ourselves in a time where empire’s victory seems almost inevitable and epidemics of burnout and disconnect seem to be bringing humanity to its knees.
But what if - together - we can carve out a third space: a space of reckoning, healing, dreaming, relating, and creating? Of de-armored hearts, powerful in their vulnerability and ability to connect? Of embodying aliveness as it wants to express itself through us?
Welcome! I’m Kate - an old soul and highly sensitive empath. A mystic and seer, after a fashion. A canary-in-the-mine who has often felt like I was built for a different world… and a queen of burning it all to the ground who is learning to be a pilgrim, not a runner.
My journey of healing and remembering my true nature and humanity’s most meaningful purpose began with ancestral wisdom traditions not of my direct lineages and I offer deep gratitude for the human and beyond-human teachers who showed me a way of being which finally made sense to me. There was still a missing piece though, which seemed to click when the lands and almost-lost memories of my ancestors’ wisdom traditions began calling me back.
I now spend my days, as the wise women and mystics of old did, in deep listening to my body, the land, and human and beyond-human teachers; reweaving and nourishing frayed, emaciated threads of animist belonging into something, hopefully, more fleshed out - a clearer path than was left for me for others to follow.
If you’re feeling called to walk that path and help make it clearer for the ones yet to come, wonderful! I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to de-armor their hearts; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness.
I’m glad you’re here with me at this time and on this journey of remembering a more nourishing ancestral and animist way of relating to the world.
It’s going to take all of us.
What’s In The Starter Kit?
An Intro with my take on our shared premise, a choice (are you saying ‘yes’ to this journey?), and what I think is at stake in this time.
Assessments and check-ins for you to begin to see your burnout and purpose anxiety from a more ancestral and animist lens with the intention of helping you get more clarity on where you might need to focus your recovery efforts first.
Some basic skills and tools to help you begin to remember animism, create some space internally (and maybe externally), and connect back in to your animal body and radiant soul.
And some Possible Next Steps and ways to deepen into the journey for you to consider.
Note: While the Basic Skills and Tools section is designed for you to skip around and find what resonates most with you or feels the most exciting to play with, it’s highly recommended to go through the Intro and Assessments and Check-Ins in order since they lay important foundations and help you figure out whether my approach is even for you.
A Quick Note On What This Kit Is and Is Not
This starter kit is here to help you decide if you’re going to say ‘yes’ to the journey (it might not be for you and that’s OK) and, if so, some of the first steps and basic tools to help you align yourself deeper with a more animist and ancestral way of perceiving and relating to yourself and the world.
This Starter Kit will not give you simple answers. Nor does it make any promises that by the end of it, your burnout and purpose anxiety will be all handled. I wish I could but that’s just not the way this approach works. In a day and age of more, faster, easier… an animist and ancestral approach is not that. In fact, it’s power as an antidote lies in the fact that it’s not that.
If you want to recover from burnout by using a more-faster-easier approach, you’ll most likely be unsuccessful because the circumstances and underlying motivations which led to burnout in the first place haven’t changed.
In order to sustainably and fundamentally shift the outcome, you have to change the input - you have to change not just what you’re doing, but how you’re doing it. So we take the right-amount, right-timing, right-effort approach.
Furthermore, much of our wounding comes from thinking we’re supposed to figure it all out on our own. And that’s understandable. Most of us haven’t experienced being mentored and guided in ways which offered crucial support and mirroring, affirming what was unique and powerful within us, without trying to dominate us or use us. But burnout and purpose anxiety are, in part, the result of those relational wounds.
So I also submit you can’t truly repair those wounds by yourself, from some text and videos found online. You will need some companionship, possibly some guidance, definitely some mirroring. Perhaps that comes from me and the community growing around me. Perhaps it leads you elsewhere. I’m not aiming to control that outcome, but I am hoping to help prepare you as you set out.
If you’re ready to explore more, get yours by registering below.
** Signing up for the Starter Kit will also add you to the Wild Sacred Journey email list. Currently, you can expect an email at the beginning of each month with a tarot card drawn for our little collective and an overview of upcoming monthly events and offers; plus emails around the full and new moons when new podcast episodes drop. In the run-up to specific offers, you might get a few more emails. Your information is never sold or shared and you can always unsubscribe from the email list at any time.