Attitude of Gratitude – a whole month of Thanksgiving; Day 20

Tired, still need to pack for my trip, and getting up early tomorrow to teach so I’ll keep it simple. Grateful for:

  1. The venison given to me by a friend and cooked into delicious and nourishing stew tonight.
  2. The group of ladies I meet with every couple of weeks to do business and life-coaching with. I always feel inspired and supported leaving our group.
  3. The slow, but steady, progress into living more completely in my body, with ever deeper compassion for myself and others, and the loosening of knots of hurt that have been at the heart of all my unconscious reactions…. until now!
  4. The feeling of my bed this morning as I lay in it with nowhere to rush off to
  5. Being a f**king lionheart

Attitude of Gratitude – a whole month of Thanksgiving; Day 19

I can’t believe it’s been 19 days since I started my personal gratitude challenge…. Driving home in the car tonight, I had a smile on my face, just because. My life is far from perfect – I am far from perfect. And yet, what a beautifully perfect journey. The more I do this work, the more I truly believe that if we seek the learning opportunity in each moment – the wonderful, the heartbreaking, the outrageous – we can see things working in the direction of the highest good and we see things unfolding as they are meant to. Maybe not how we WANT them to, but how they are meant to. Today I am grateful for:

  1. The big picture – putting the little things in perspective.
  2. Friendship with those who are authentic, supportive, generous, and not prone to think the worst of me the second I slip up. Those people hold me up and help remind me of the qualities I want to embody.
  3. Now being able to listen to Spotify in my car – I’ve spent a lot of time in the car in the last four days and I’m won over!

Attitude of Gratitude – a whole month of Thanksgiving; Day 17

Whew! Busy couple of days so, I admit, this post is technically a day late… Yesterday was a full day of farming and then a last minute teaching gig at Escutcheon’s Brewery in Winchester. I’m not a huge beer drinker, but the couple of beers I tried, I actually liked. The atmosphere is cool and since they don’t serve food, you’re welcome to bring your own! Fun stuff. And throughout the night, I found myself in really awesome connections with the various people I encountered – there, at dinner with my roommate and her sister’s significant other, and shopping for wine later. It was a cool feeling of community around downtown Winchester and I really felt it last night.

Friday’s gratitude list:

  1. Community – whether my farm family, yoga students, folks I meet other places (and try and turn to the yoga-side ) and the practice of meeting everyone I encounter with a deep curiosity and desire to find out what they are meant to show me in this life. I am definitely not perfect as this, but also definitely practicing and seeing the rewards.
  2. Warm clothes and bedding – in a world where some have so little and so many people are currently risking their lives on a prayer and a hope of safety elsewhere, cold days on the farm remind me to be grateful for the warm clothes I have and the ability to go inside and warm up afterwards.
  3. Laughter and comedy and friendship (and a little bit of wine!) – nothing like spending an evening sitting around watching silly things with friends and laughing and filling a space with joy and love.

Attitude of Gratitude- a whole month of Thanksgiving; Day 16

The end of the average grower’s season is upon us.. but the weather is so warm, you wouldn’t know it! This week, I’m getting the last of it in and I’m working two days at the farm. We also had a big end of the season celebratory dinner tonight. So, right now, I’m lying here in my sleeping bag, on my very full tummy, writing this. I am grateful for:

  1. The incredible food prepared for me and the rest of the party-goers this evening. There is no end of love in the food – from growing to prep to sharing and laughing while eating. This is nourishment on so many levels.
  2. Again-the students I got to share yoga with today. My bedheads at 6am who showed up chatty and energetic and willing. I woke up so I could keep up with you. And then my farmer yogis at the end of the day. It’s been a joy this whole season to help you stretch out your bodies and strengthen your core and backs so this job is as sustainable as your ideals.
  3. Sleep – warm, sheltered, comfortable. From 5am to 10pm, it’s been a long day and I have the chance to read aloud to some friends (one of my fav things ever) so I’m going to try and get one chapter out before I truly lay down, but I can’t wait to close my eyes and take rest tonight.