Last week I had a reflexology session and I set myself the intention to experience the session as my feet experience it- not from the head, not even from the heart... from the feet.// What a simple and yet profound shift. Since then, I have been playing around with experiencing my day-to-day existence as different parts of my body. // Part of my soul’s journey in this incarnation was to come in afraid to be here. Not wanting to be here. Remembering enough of the sacred place we all come from to be aware of how much this illusion we call life pales in comparison. // All of which brings me continually to the question: why, then, are we here??? // And the greatest and most paradoxical Truth is: just to be and enjoy and explore... for the purity and love of the adventure. // And so I have come to embrace what it is to be both of the tender and loving Sacred, as well as embodied in a challenging, sometimes painful, often beautiful human existence. // And today, once again, I allow myself to experience the world through my feet. And what I am left with is gratitude. Gratitude for the bumps, the uncertainty, the strength, and all that supports and carries me.