Today I feel tight and contracted – mentally, physically, emotionally. I have a lot of fear coming up and my story of being alone and unsupported is rearing it’s head. Self-doubt is creeping and making it hard to work – especially when I am my own boss and my work is so personal to me. In the moment, I found a lot of joy connecting with yoga students today, but I am still feeling isolated, fearful, and ungrateful – I have put this post off until the end of the day because I am struggling to find gratitude! So here goes:
- I am grateful for the support of friends. I am grateful that even though I have been offered support today and part of me has been resistant to hearing it/accepting it (my story loves to be right), I am aware of the difference between reality and my story. That awareness will allow the story to pass. It allows me to make a choice about what I listen to.
- I am grateful for the softness brought by tears. Sometimes I can bring the softness with more intentional breathing, but some days the resistance and contraction are so strong, only a burst of tears will break the hold and bring some softness to my body and mind.
- I am grateful for a hot shower and a good nights sleep. Most likely, this will all look better tomorrow. There is little self-doubt that can’t be helped by feeling clean, rested, and taken care of. I can give myself that.
May you, also, trust in your own worth and the support that surrounds you – even on days when it’s not apparent.