Here it is: the 30th day of my set 30 days of gratitude! Obviously a practice of gratitude should continue for many days to come. Why? Because , as Melody Beattie puts it:
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
Pretty amazing that a shift in the wording and conversation in your head, a shift in perspective, can do all that. It’s almost like magic…
Today, I am grateful for:
- A body as strong and healthy as mine is. Today’s yoga practice was one of those that gives you a glimpse into something more – a way of being that is peaceful, strong, flexible, balanced, full of possibility, and fully-embodied.
- This perfect journey – not easy, not always what I asked for or thought I wanted, but there it is anyway… when the time is right and I am listening closely and kindly, sometimes nudging, sometimes shoving, me into being the best possible version of myself.
- The opportunity to share my story and my lessons and the gift of seeing it land for someone else – of seeing inspiration and connection brighten their eyes and bring a softness to their face.
- The practice of ever deeper, kinder listening – allowing me to receive the messages and inspiration I am needing in whatever form the Universe provides. It’s so easy to blow past a kind comment from a friend, family member, acquaintance, but we can all use a little encouragement sometimes. We just need to let it in. Although the unkind words seem to stick more easily, if we listen from a good place, we find there are just as many kind ones there, asking to stick, too. Unkind words are spoken from fear and they come from ego and story. Kind words come from the Universe – they are reminders of who we truly are. I am so grateful that I hear those now.
- Those of you who have followed my journey through these 30 days and have occasionally let me know how much my words have meant to you in your own journey of gratitude. Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing. Thanks for the company.
Your life is fertile ground… what will you choose to cultivate? I humbly suggest that gratitude be on that list! What are you grateful for today?