Forgiving myself for not being Perfect

This poem reminds me that I create my reality. I can choose my life. My quest for perfectionism is just a way to hold myself down. I, and I alone, can embrace forgiveness. There is no moment but this one and I am ready NOW.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I will make more. But I just keep reminding myself that those mistakes aren’t what’s holding me back from achieving my full potential. Those mistakes actually show me the way because the let me see where I need to do more work –  what my limits and barriers are to keep myself from feeling peace and happiness. And in my case it is almost always this idea that I am not worthy or good enough.

I choose to recognize that it is my thoughts/judgements about myself rather than my actions or even my intrinsic worth that hold me back from greatness. Now… please help hold me accountable? Thanks!