Gratitude has the power to shift your mood and is available to you at any time. Even in the midst of hurt, you can always ask yourself the question: what do I have to be grateful for in this moment?
When I pause and ask myself that question, my heart rate drops, at least some of my stress melts away, and I find that I am more fortunate and richer than I realized.
Today I am grateful for:
- The warm breeze and sun on my face.
- Silence and space to be truly and deeply with myself, even the parts of me I don't always love.
- Nourishing food. I've been eating simple and cleansing foods for over a week now and really listening in to what my body is carving, versus what I just put into it. When we listen, the difference between real foods and junk foods is quite apparent. No judgement, just a question of serving and nourishing or not.
What are you grateful for today?