(The Lay of the Land)
The Foundation and Four Pillars of a Well Culture:
I’m coming to suspect a culture built on this foundation and these four pillars is what will guide and support our humanity, aliveness, and capacity for relationship in good ways.
The Foundation
Rhythm - aligning ourselves with timing and cycles, many of which are not our own
Progress which moves in spirals and cycles; seasonality; moving at the pace of trust and relationship - making sure the other four pillars are present.
Being ‘out of rhythm’ is trying to control everything or feeling totally out of control and dragged along by life.
The Pillars
Beauty - experiencing and acting in reverence in the face of the sacred spark of aliveness in all things
Could also be called God or Spirit; the North in a medicine wheel.
Beauty without Aliveness is superficial and bypassing.
Aliveness - participation in the unfolding of Mystery through birth and death, ecstasy and heartbreak, and everything in between
Could also be called “the human experience”; the South in a medicine wheel.
Aliveness without Beauty is suffering and short-sighted.
Intimacy - an undefended heart recognizes self in other and other in self; paying attention and offering presence
Could also be called Surrender, Emotion, Interconnectedness; the West in a medicine wheel.
Intimacy without Discernment is lack of boundaries, codependency, self-abnegation or martyrdom.
Discernment - honoring the finite quality of this human experience and the ripples presence makes; finding humility, compassion, power, and freedom within boundaries and limits
Could also be called Individuation; Self-Regard; Intellect; the East in a medicine wheel.
Discernment without Intimacy is armored hearts, selfishness, and struggles to connect and feel compassion.
Assessment Exercise:
So take a moment here and consider the foundation and pillars. Which come easier to you in your life? Which are harder? Within this moment of time of burnout or self-doubt, which pillar might be a guiding compass point?