(The Invitation to the Journey)
The Approach:
“A Good Place To Start” will give you an outline of the underlying architecture of the approach I follow. If you can agree with what’s on this page, if it resonates and feels like it makes sense on some deep level, then good - this approach will probably feel impactful for you. If not, that’s OK. This approach (or my take on it) may not be for you.
Questions to ask yourself:
What pieces of my experience have been left out of things I’ve tried in the past or do I feel disconnected from in my attempts to navigate burnout right now? My body or subtle body? My emotions? My spirit? My relationships? Past lives or ancestral wounds?
Have I been seeking intensity when I actually need gentleness? Or have I been letting myself off the hook when I need a little more fire? What do I naturally gravitate towards and what am I afraid of?
When I consider my next steps, am I feeling drawn to a guide/ teacher because I want to be them and I’m enamored with the image they present or the results they promise? Or am I drawn to (or repelled by) what I suspect they can see and awaken within me?
Do I need more information and instruction right now, or do I need more support digesting and implementing? Is the approach or modality I’m considering aligned with what I need?
What world view is the approach I’m considering aligned with? Does it aim for an ideal, or have capacity for mess and humanity? Does it believe in spirit or not? Does it believe repair or change is possible, or is it about managing symptoms? (etc) Does this align with my own world view?
The Timing:
Timing seems to work best when it’s a good combination of need, desire, and intentional choice.
Your Journey will most likely proceed more fluidly if your resourcing can support your innate timing and pacing rather than having to adjust your pacing to your external resources.
And while you can always change your mind, once you start on a Journey, it can be more difficult to ‘put it back in the box’ as it were.
So pause here for a moment and be honest with yourself. Without judgement and with heaps of compassion.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do I have the temporal and financial space, the support in my closest relationships, to commit to myself, prioritize myself, and embark on a journey which can take up to a year or more and may take me to places I wasn’t expecting initially?
Am I feeling overfull or over-empty right now? Ie - in this season of my life, do I need more integration support or something to fill my cup?
Do I have the capacity for it to possibly feel worse before it feels better?
Am I willing and do I have the capacity for loss right now in my life? If the wisdom of my heart and spirit asks me to start distancing myself from people, places, etc that are not serving Aliveness, am I willing and able to at least consider it or make shifts to honor the need?
** counter-cultural work can feel lonely and alienating. It’s not an easy path. While there’s no need to blow up your whole life overnight (and, in fact, that’s rarely recommended from a nervous system perspective); it’s not uncommon for the price of your own becoming to be something of your old life. While you can always opt-out of the journey, or delay pieces or the whole of it in those moments, it’s important to acknowledge the possibility of that at the beginning.
Integration/ Pacing:
It’s always best to move at the pace of relationship, of trust and enoughness.
Questions to ask yourself:
Am I willing and able to approach the modality with humility and open hands and heart; assuming it and my body might know things my logical mind and willpower don’t? Can I let the approach change me?
Do I have some capacity for risk right now in my life, in case this work takes me into the shadows?
Why am I reaching out right now? Is it hunger for more (if so, do I actually need more or do I need to chew what I have longer?) Is it overwhelm and confusion (if so, perhaps I need some support integrating)?
A Quick Note About Discernment If You’re Feeling Disconnected
What’s your sense of whether this is right approach/ timing right now?
If you’ve gone through some or all the above and you can already tell this approach/ this time/ my guidance aren’t a fit, great. Thank you for considering and I do my part to close the energetic loop between us so it isn’t hanging over either of our heads. You might also consider unsubscribing from my email list, if that’s the right move for you.
If you have a sense that you’ll want to come back to this at some point in the future, even though now is not exactly the right moment, again, great. This will be waiting for you whenever you are ready.
If you’re hungry to continue, amazing. Head over to the assessment section to go deeper into the lay of the land of this approach and to orient your current patterns and challenges within this more animist and ancestral framework.